
The Inconvenient Truth about Health

Take the stairs instead of the escalator or lift!

Walk 10,000 steps a day!

Make a tuna salad instead of buying a burger!

These are some of the common health hacks you hear? Over the years I have realised convenience is a distractor to our health and wellbeing. Fast food can be delivered to your door just about where ever you are. You can rent a electric bike or scooter instead of walking. All these little things provide convenience however limit the opportunities move our body and increasing our propensity to make poorer food choices. Both of which drive weight gain and poor health outcomes. So what can you do about it? In this episode of me&my health up we tackle the inconvenient truth about health, and what you can do about it.

About me&my Health Up & Host

me&my Health Up seeks to enhance and enlighten the wellbeing of others. Host Anthony Hartcher is the CEO of me&my wellness which provides holistic health solutions using food is medicine, combined with a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach. Anthony holds three bachelor’s degrees in Complementary Medicine; Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine; and Chemical Engineering.

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This is a recording of a podcast that took place on 19 July 2022.
Note the advice and information is general in nature. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.