
Youth Mental Health – Practical Tips on How to Support our Youth in Uncertain Times!

me&my health up podcast episode #13 – Transcript

Anthony Hartcher 0:00
Welcome to another amazing episode of health up with your host Anthony Hartcher.

Health up inspires to enhance and enlighten the well being of others and today we’re blessed to have use social worker, Danijela Prahovic. I hope I pronounced that brightly you correct me.

Danijela specialises in helping the younger generation find their inner spark. And today she’ll be imparting her wisdom on this subject. So welcome Danijela . How are you today?

Hi, Anthony. Thanks for having me. I’m really good thank you. How are you?

Anthony Hartcher 0:35
Awesome, awesome. And so blessed to have you on. And as we discussed before this recording, you know, just love your passion and how you want to make a difference in this world by helping the younger generation find their inner spark.

And yeah, so I’m really keen to explore this subject today. But before we get into that, I’d love the viewers and listeners to really understand how you found your inner spark your journey. So please share, please share that with us.

Yeah, thanks. Well, thanks for having me. And I look forward to this conversation very much. So when I was a teenager, I had the idea of helping people, but I wasn’t sure you know, where I fit, and what the word help meant. Whether that was, you know, your doctors and nurses and you think you know, that’s all you can do.

So I kind of finished my HSC. And I was a bit lost. I was like, Well, I want to help people. But where do I go to help people? And my mum’s kind of said all there’s this thing called Community Services at TAFE. Why don’t you go and study there? And try that. I said, Okay, that looks interesting. I’ll try it. From there. I just loved it straight away, I did my Cert for my diploma. And then I’ve got work experience. And once I’ve got that work experience going with those young people, it was just a whole new world, to see that we could make changes as just individuals to these lives of disadvantaged young people. It was amazing. I just loved it. And I just kept going with it, and had all different work opportunities through that. And then I got my degree, I thought I’ll study a bit more, I’ll get a bit more knowledge, you know, because we do need knowledge as well as experience, I think, would you agree?

Anthony Hartcher 2:14
Yes, absolutely. Totally agree. Yeah, they go hand in hand.

Good combination. So once I got my degree, I then just stepped up in a team leader coordinator role. And then I thought, Okay, I’ve done about seven years now, what can I do next? And I was like, Alright, maybe I can be a teacher and teach people the skills I’ve learned.

So I’ve been a teacher for the last five years, teaching people to become youth workers, and community services workers, and giving that knowledge and I don’t know everything, but I know something. So it’s been a really good journey. And then from there came in a spark this idea that what’s next, what can I actually give back from myself, instead of just working for other people? What can I create to help these young people these days, and what’s kind of missing that I feel a little gap that I kind of found.

So that’s where in Spark came from, and it’s really exciting opportunity for me. It’s teaching young people living and life skills. And yeah, so far, it’s been just amazing.

Anthony Hartcher 3:21
I was just so so happy for you that you found your passion so early on, and, and it’s Yeah, hence why we’re here to discuss this today. Because, you know, a lot of people out there are still looking for their inner spark and finding out what lights them up, and you know, how they can give back to the world or make a difference.

And so really came later on, we’ll discuss your program of how you help the younger generation find their inner spark. But before we go, they’re really keen to, I guess, get you to share your wisdom around youth mental health, and in particular, focused on what was just what we’re going through this pandemic and, we’re sort of through that probably maybe the worst part, but the consequences of what we’ve been through, you know, we’re starting to feel that now, both economic employments and, and also be in the mental health space.

So, given that your work with youth workers really keen to get your understanding of how the youth of today are coping, and, and what you’re doing to help them cope through this pandemic.

Yeah. Well, I think we’ve got different people. We’ve got introverts and extroverts and I think if we look at a little bit of that, that also affects how people have taken this. I’ve seen a lot of young people become really anxious, so they were really good at coping with that anxiety, and the mental health stuff around that. And then when this hit, I think all this anxiety just came up and just like a volcano erupted.

They just couldn’t control the feeling because the media played a big part, the social media for young people, it’s huge. They’re heavily involved in social media. So all they were seeing was all these fees stuff, right? They were seeing, you know, be aware, don’t go out, you know, it’s all the scary stuff. So, young people really, at the beginning, the first few weeks, young people were okay, they were going, alright, there’s something happening. And you know, on top of it, like, it’s alright, it’s manageable, let’s keep going. Because we weren’t shut down so quickly, you know, it’s shut down in a second.

But once it came down to that kind of locked down, no, don’t go anywhere, watch where you’re going. That’s when you saw the mental health really, really come out in a lot of young people. And they couldn’t really express it, they couldn’t go and see their psychologist or see their GPS face to face, or get appointments that quickly because even businesses and organisations were trying to manage it all and work out how they can still see clients and, and stuff like that.

So there was a lot of conversations, there was a lot of how can we reduce the anxiety by just having that conversation and saying it’s okay, for me it was about a lot of conversation. I can’t even say how many times I picked up that phone, 1000, maybe two, when I just got an email saying I just don’t know what else to do. I’m all stressed out and obviously, I’m not a direct counsellor. I don’t offer those services.

But I give those tips in those tricks to kind of look at this, how they feeling in that moment, and how they can come back down until they get that bigger support or that long term support. So there’s a lot of that managing the anxiety. Okay. COVID. Yeah.

Anthony Hartcher 6:51
And what are some of these tips, some of these, you know, tips that you share with the youth when they’ve feeling anxious?

Yeah. So I always focus, I’m big about the strength based approach. And I’ll talk about that a little bit later down the track. But I’m big, everyone has strengths that already exist. And I always find that first, whenever I meet someone, I don’t look at what’s happening for them in a bad light. Because that anxiety, that mental health stuff, it will be there.

If I talk about it with you, now I talk about it with you in three days, it really isn’t going to change, right? So I try and go for it. So what’s good about this person, what do they really have, so that when they have that meltdown, and when something isn’t working for them? I pull on that. And I’ll say so you remember when you know you were confident the other day to me? Where’s that confident woman? I need that kind of energy to come out. Where’s that smile? Where’s, so just really emphasising those positives that they already have, and those strengths they really have?

And then that changes your mindset in a second, because it just blocks out a little bit of that anxiety, even if it’s for a minute. And then I work with that. So how are we going to get through today? The biggest thing I also do is find out what they love to do. You know, everyone goes What do you like to do? For example, Anthony, what do you like to do in your spare time? What’s something that you love that makes you feel happy?

Anthony Hartcher 8:18
I love being out in nature, the trees, the ocean?

That’s great. I’ll say to them, although, you know, a lot of us couldn’t get out at that time, they couldn’t go to nature, you know, further than around their home, but we choose a space around their home that reminded them of that. So if there was a space in their backyard, you know, could they go to the front yard? Could they kind of create a space inside their home that reminded them of something that they love. We did a lot of that and managing bringing happiness into their home into this space where they are?

Anthony Hartcher 8:55
Yeah, I really love how you create that sanctuary that safe space that they can go to any time whilst they’re at home where they feel I guess connected with you know, I guess they’re in a soul in terms of that, that spirit that really listen, that happy space. And I love how you use that strength but both have strength based approach. And you know, rather than focus on something that you cannot control such as  we have no control over the pandemic virus running rampant. However, you’re encouraging the youth to really hone in on what they can control and to do more of that if they can you know, provided wasn’t getting out in nature Yeah.

Not making it airy fairy. I’m very real and to the point with things I think, you know, there’s a bit of a stigma out there about social welfare workers and counsellors and psychologists and young people, don’t you want to come and see them?

A lot of them don’t when you hear those names, they’re like, Oh, don’t go, you’re crazy. If you see them, it’s actually you just got to find someone that you connect with, it’s actually not true. So I’m really real about things. I’m not really, I’m really realistic about creating that healthy environment and not saying, Oh, you can do it, you’ll be right. Like, what’s gonna work for you, you tell me because Anthony, at the end of the day, you’re the expert. And I’m big about that.

And that’s the same that I say you’re the expert in your life. I mean, I don’t live with you. I’m not with you all the time. So you only you know yourself best, right? And I say that to the young person. So you know what will work for you, I’ll just help you put it in place and kind of remind you about it. And it’s my job.

Anthony Hartcher 10:44
I really love that tailored approach that you take towards your work and really tailor it to the individual in recognising that everyone is completely unique and different. Yeah, they all have different drivers and likes and loves and strengths, and you really hone in on that for them. So that’s fantastic.

And that pragmatic approach is really important because it gives them something that they can do about it, as opposed to something else, I can’t do what I do I need resources to do what I need some money, or you know, is and you work with what they have, which just love that.

Yeah, thanks. So far. So hopefully.

Anthony Hartcher 11:26
And we got to get to a bit later on is how you really help people get down to their inner spark and help them showcase that to the world. But yeah, we’ll leave that for just questions like, really came for, there’ll be obviously young people out there listening and watching this, but also, there’ll be carers and lovers of these young people, these young people. And I’m really keen for you to share some tips for those carers, lovers parents, on how they can help the youth, the younger generation today really, and to cope with what’s going on.

And furthermore, how can they help guide and direct them through what we’re experiencing? Because it’s not, it’s not going away overnight,  it’s gonna be dragging on for years in terms of what we have to do around social distancing, unless vaccines found, and  the economic consequences are still going to be felt for years to come, as well as unemployment and things like that.

So I think it’s so important now than ever, for those parents and carers and lovers and to give the younger generation hope and belief  that we can get out of this together. So really keen for you to impart some wisdom on those looking after or, you know, help supporting the younger generation?

Yeah, I think there’s two main things that I’d talk about, and it’s probably not so much focused on COVID. But it’s got to do with it. So I guess some social media is the biggest one for me at the moment. And working with these young people, because they are on it. They are on all these different platforms that have been created within that social media platform. And you know, it exists.

We’ve got the Instagrams, the Facebook’s, there’s even new ones that I don’t know about and trying to keep up with it all. Sometimes you spend days and then what’s this new thing? Oh, my gosh, I need to learn it. Because then my young people know that I don’t know it. And many times they go, do you know this? And I’ll go, No, what’s that? And they’re like, how do you don’t know it to me a lot. And I’m like, oh, no, okay, I need to learn it. And they’ll teach me, young people have taught me so much, and the words that they use in everything. So around social media, it’s really important for parents and caregivers and the parents that I’ve worked with, I’ve told them, they need to understand social media, they need to learn and really get in there and ask the young person to teach them about it.

So that does a lot of things that gets them to understand what their child is engaging in, you know, what type of a platform what happens there, and how they can monitor that to keep the safety aspect because we know what goes on there, there can be some bullying, etc, etc. It’s really important that the parent understands the platform and how it works. I’m not saying they need to know how to change the profile picture. Just what it’s about, right? And when they have that understanding, and the young person teaches them, it’s, they’re building that relationship.

When I say to my child, can you teach me a little bit about what you’re on? The younger is it goes? Well, okay, like, why do you want to know? Well, I just want to know, I want to know what this 2020 looks like. On the computer world. Yeah. On the dude in the digital age, we call it so I think really, social media is a big one. And parents need to just take that initiative and ask and do some research themselves about it. And I’ve done a lot of that I’ve spoken to numerous parents, I’ve had sessions where I’ve shown them, what Facebook looks like, and what Instagram looks like.

And they’re grateful for that, that they understand, you know, when their child is locked in their room, on their phone or on their computer, what they’re possibly engaging in, and how to keep that safe. So asking them, you know, what do you do today? What’s your Facebook, you know, just showing that interest not needing to know, every private message I’ve sent? Or just taking the initiative bad parents say, I don’t want to know about it. You know, we never had that one more growing up? Well, yes, you didn’t.

Facebook just started when I was in high school showing my age. So I shouldn’t really talk about that too much. But yeah, it’s really I say to them, but it’s really important. It’s 2020, it’s a different world. Do you want to understand what your child’s engaging with child’s doing, then? Yes. So would you agree that social media is a big part? Or what do you think about social media?

Anthony Hartcher 15:51
I totally agree with you, I think we get very much consumed by it. And we go into this virtual world. And, as you said earlier, there’s so much negativity on it. And I think we can be, and the other thing is that negativity may not be true. So there’s no filtering about whether it’s factual or fictional.

I think that’s important is to put into context, is does this person really know what they’re talking about? Is it really this battle, or they exaggerating it? And often, as we know, the media will exaggerate things. So do we issue when we, you know, we exaggerate things? Yeah. Facts can be distorted. And so I think it’s important to have time away from social media, absolutely.

And really getting engaged with what’s around us. Because, you know, when we connect with what’s around us, we’re way more present as opposed to being pulled into this social media vortex and, and it can be really, as you say, confronting overwhelming. And, and it’s as simple as just putting down that phone and just leaving it and ignoring it, and just having some time to yourself or time with loved ones. And I think that can really help us disconnect. You know, if social media is that source of, you know, causing that anxiousness and yeah so I certainly, definitely recommend that people have social media free time. And, you know, even just screen time, free time, technology free time.

Yeah, and so like social media is a big part of it. But also, the next part I’d say is probably be supportive about choices that your young people make, so that your children make, for example, we used to always go to school kind of back in my day, let’s say 15 years ago, where you know, goes D 10, D 10. And you’re expected to go to E 12. D 12, you finished with the HSC. And now you either found a job or you went to university or a college or something.

So those big expectations around there that they were only options in 2020, we’ve got so much disengagement in our high schools, young people disengaging from as young as 12 years old. Right? They’re not turning up to school, or they’re saying that they’re turning up to school, and then they don’t, we’re trying to track where they are what’s happened to them, or they’re just at a friend’s place for today, will they turn up and then the behaviour is so severe in the classroom, that it’s affecting others, and it’s not manageable. But they’re doing that for a reason.

So we have to tune into why these young people are disengaging and then give them a choice. So we’ve got a lot of choices. These days, you’ve got the apprenticeships, and we’ve got the early levers where once you leave, you know, you can go and study at TAFE. You can go to different universities, but you can also do short courses.

And that’s a little bit about what I’m about, like giving these other options of learning life skills and living skills. And a lot of parents are going no, you must go there, you must do this, you must do that. It’s actually quite different. Now, there’s so much more options where your son or daughter, or whatever gender they choose, they can go wherever they want to in this world. They can go wherever they want to, because there’s so many more options.

It’s not just leave school, they could have a year of travel. And in the year of travel, the number of things that you can learn from culture and experiences and building communication skills with others can sometimes be far better than the education side. You know, we absorb information differently, right? You would say that with the people you work with as well. How do you find those people?

Anthony Hartcher 19:51
Absolutely all you got those ones that prefer to learn visually, those sort of prefer to learn you know, auditorily or kinaesthetically, that’s the hands on practical, touch and feel. And so, yeah, we all have different preferences of how we like to learn. And so it’s important that we tailor to the individual’s unique learning, how what you know, what’s really going to drive their learning and really enhance it.

It’s hard for a parent to do that, I guess it’s hard when we’ve got in our mind, you know, want my child to be a doctor, or they’d be a really good at whatever they’d be. But it’s about if your child wants to go on a different path, explore that with them.

And so Okay, so what are the pros? And what are the cons of it, and like, do that whole mapping thing with them have that conversation about safety around what they’re choosing to do? Just those conversations and your child will appreciate that more internally, they might not show it externally. But internally, they’ll feel supported, and then they’ll make the right choice.

Anthony Hartcher 20:58
So yeah, so what I’m gathering is that really important for parents, carers and lovers to really engage and understand it from their perspective, like understand the world from their perspective, such as you mentioned, the social media, so really, understanding the social media, why are they on it? What does it enable them to do, how they interact in it, and just really get into their world. And once we’re, you know, I guess, listening, and in their shoes, we better understand, and we can then have that engaging conversation as to the why, which, you know, is, again, that importance of understanding the individual.

And then secondly, it opens them up to, they feel that you’re wanting to work with them, and you see it from their greater perspective and hear it from their perspective. And therefore, I’m more, I guess, willing to listen to your guidance as the next step. So, and that’s, you know, as you said, is then working with them on the pros and cons and have that decision or just helping, you know, provide that guidance. It’s not telling them what to do is what? Getting it right,

And reducing the chance of conflict. How easy is it that we argue, oh, no, you’re not doing that, no way, you’re gonna do that? And our culture doesn’t allow that, or our religion doesn’t allow that. What’s that got to be the journey that I’m going on in the life I’m trying to create with myself, you know, for myself.

So yeah, it is about reducing that conflict, I do a lot of conflict mediation. I’m a trained mediator. And I’ve seen it with families, I worked with hundreds of young people that were running away from home because of conflict around stuff like this. So if we tell and educate the parents beforehand, then it reduces the likelihood of that conflict. And that’s a big thing.

Anthony Hartcher 22:57
Yeah, so I’m really keen, because the other part of this conversation I wanted to have with you was, even as adults, some adults are out there looking for the inner spark. And so this whole thing about the inner spark, and finding your inner spark is important, no matter where we are in our life spectrum, because we could be in our 50s or 60s, and I’m not sure if you’ve read the Colonel Sanders story, but you know, he found these in a spark in his 70s at home.

And so, you know, we could be any age, essentially, and still looking for that inner spark, or that you know, what we can contribute or give to society or finding our passion. And so, I’m really keen, and I think you may have touched on some of the areas about helping someone find their inner spark, but if you could, maybe summarise them. And just to help anyone you know, as to what they should be looking for not looking for or how they should go about it. So yeah, please share your wisdom on the inner spark.

I guess some that came from the word inner spark is all about a lot about self esteem and how we feel inside because then that projects outwards. In every part of our life, would you agree?

Anthony Hartcher 24:07
Oh, absolutely.

I think the self esteem is a really big thing. And that if we feel good about ourselves, then we’re able to do those activities or those jobs, that, you know, maybe we wouldn’t have done before, like, because you question yourself, is that for me? Should I really do that? It’s like, why are we questioning it, go give it a go. Go give it you know, and if it’s meant to be at work, it’s your journey.

I actually had a gentleman approached me two days ago, and he said to me, Oh, I love the public speaking stuff that you’re working on it. I’m just like 10 years older than who you work with. Can you give me any advice? And I said to him, you know, it’s, this is yes, targeted for young people because the videos in my programs I will talk about, targeted to engage with them, but you know, all the tips and skills that I can give also relate to all of us doesn’t matter how old you are, you know? So I said to him, look, I can give you some tips, no problem. And he was really grateful.

It’s interesting to see that these main topics public speaking, self esteem, independence, that I’ve got 40 50 year olds asking me stuff like, oh, help me out. So it’s out there. And I’ve got one guy that I’m working with, who’s actually a family member. Who said that I don’t know, I don’t know where I belong yet, I don’t know. And I’m like, Well, you know, you’re 35 years old, we need to work on that. Let’s work on it. I’m big about mind mapping. So that’s probably the thing I’ll give you first as getting the whiteboard, maybe that’s the teacher inside me.

But anyone can do it with a notepad and a pen, and put your name in the middle there and say what are you good at? So I’m going to refer back to that strength based approach. And I always will, because you already have stuff inside you. And in your mind and skills already, you’ve done to get to how old you are today. Whether you’re 12,15, 20,30, 40,50, you’ve got to that age. So how did you get there is the question I asked. Are you a good speaker? Are you able to engage with people? Are you able to pick up the phone and have a conversation with somebody? Yeah, how do you dress, you know,  you’ve obviously dressed well enough to get through interviews, or going to school or going anywhere.

So there’s so many things that we pull apart. I get into the really small things, I pull apart their tone of voice, you know, what does it sound like when you’re speaking. So it’s a big Mind Map about what you’re good at. All these little things, and I give this way, in a way in a three part video series on my website, where they can do this activity first. And once Yeah, once they’ve kind of found that, then we’re like, Alright, what do you love to do? That? What do you love to do Anthony?

Anthony Hartcher 26:52
I love helping others. And in particular in the area of health, health and wellness. So yeah.

Yeah. So you found that passion, and you’ve created something for yourself around that now you’ve created something that you drive and you’re passionate about? So you did it. I’ve just started it. And I’m just an everyday person,  I’m not no famous person. Everyone can do it. You  don’t have to have millions of dollars either. We’re starting just by giving back. Pay, you know, you’re starting by giving back, you’re starting to do what I love and when you love what you do? I mean, it’s never hard to get up in the morning.

Anthony Hartcher 27:36

Do you say that? And that’s the next thing I’d say. So there are those strengths based approach mind mapping. The second thing is whatever you choose, make sure you love it. Okay, not once. And I can actually say this, and even some of my friends and family go, Oh, you’re so annoyed with that? I say that not once. Not one morning, did I get up and say that? I don’t want to go to work? Wow. Not one morning. You know. So they’re like our commands in yellow. Not one, like literally not one morning. That’s how much I love what I do. And I think when you find that, then nothing else matters because you’re happy inside to get to do what you’re doing.

Anthony Hartcher 28:15
Absolutely, yeah. Yeah. You’re very much aligned, you know, that minds aligned to the heart and that soul,  that axes completely aligned. And I think often we’re in conflict when we, when those axes aren’t aligned, you know, where we’re doing something that’s not aligned to what our love is, what we like doing. And it’s harder.

I think you touched on a really good point earlier, is overthinking things, it’s sort of people overanalyse, I don’t know whether it’s the school system that drives us into this overanalysing things, and we sort of get stuck, and we don’t do anything about it. And so I really liked that point you raised in terms of,  get out of the mind and get connected with your heart and soul.

I think that’s pretty much what you’re doing when you do that strength based approach is sort of stepping out of that mind space, saying we can assist the, you know, we can go back and review it in terms of pros and cons, but let’s just connect with that heart that soul, what do you love doing? What sparks you? What puts a smile on your face, and I can see that coming out and the, that mind map that you do, and then, you know, obviously, down the track, once you’ve really explored and got out what scene that in a soul and heart is, you know, you can then start mapping out as to maybe the pros and cons of, you know, taking that on and you know, and then get back into that thinking space, but it’s not living in that thinking space. It’s just making sure it’s all aligned.

Because a lot of young people come to me they go, but I just want to have money, and I just want to be rich, or I want to be famous at that. And I’d be like, well, the feeling of it. Being rich is also about loving what you do. So you might not make a tonne of money. And I say this to all my students actually that I teach youth work Community Services, you’re not going to become any millionaire out of it. But the feeling you’ll have of giving back is way more better than that dollar value.

Because we’ve seen people who have millions and millions of dollars, are they happy inside, a lot of them has ended up seeing a youth work or senior community services worker because they’re not happy? They’re not fulfilled inside. So you know, and some people go, Oh, that’s so airy fairy, again, airy fairy is always the word like, don’t be so positive. Oh, yeah, I know, I can be negative too. And I’m sure you can, too.

Anthony, we have our bad days, right? I’m not painting a picture perfect people here in this conversation either. But we’re realistic. And when you’re realistic, and you’ve chosen something that you really like, then even those bad days where I go, can I actually do this? Or what am I doing today, some of those days you wake up and you’re tired, or whatever you got, I know what I’m doing, because I love what I do. And then it doesn’t make it hard.

Anthony Hartcher 31:08
Totally agree. And I love how you touched on, you know, we can be rich, we can be wealthy in other ways, such as in love and happiness. And I think most of us in this world are striving more for they think that money is going to bring love and happiness that you can find,  and become wealthy and love and happiness without actually having materialistic possessions.

So I think, you know, they think if I have this that will make me happy. And you know, or if I have this sort of, maybe this Makeover, people will love me more. But that’s not true at all. It’s, as you said, if you connect with your inner spark, that inner soul, that lightens you, people connect with that energy that you radiate, and it’s that radiate Is it the attraction is through the energy given off by you. And if you’re not aligned here, and your inner soul not doing work, and just living day by day by what you love, and then that energy is picked up by other people. And that’s what repels them or attracts them is. And so I think you know, as you are doing the work you love, you attract the right people around you. And they’re attracted to your energy.

Yeah. And that’s important because you want to work with positive people, and you want to work with people that have the same values, as you know, and the same beliefs as you and then you will succeed in what you’re trying to achieve. Yeah.

Anthony Hartcher 32:49
Yeah. So I think you’ve really got us very curious about this inner spark program, because we’ve touched on elements of it throughout our conversation. So I’m really keen for you to share with the listeners as to what this program offers to them the benefits, how they go about finding out more, how can I get in touch with you to, you know, start on their journey to find their inner spark? Yeah.

I wanted to create a platform where young people could access different programs, from the safety of their own home, or the comfort of their own home. So that, you know, a lot of people don’t even know about youth workers or community services workers, you know, I grew up not knowing this even existed. So if you’re growing up in a family that, middle class family that maybe never needed to get that support. And you, you were lucky in that sense, then you didn’t know it existed.

There’s heaps of young people out there that have no idea that they can go and ask for that further support with something that’s happening for them, by digitally and on the social media stuff. You know, this is where we need to target these young people who need to work on their self-esteem, but don’t want to say, hey, I need help, can you help me, you know, so I’m creating a platform, I’ve got a website up and I’ve got two programs going to be added this week.

And I’ll be launching my website soon. I just want to get it tidy, but it exists there. I’ve wanted to create lots of different small programs, living skills and life skills. So topics like public speaking, how do you become the best public speaking you can be. And you can learn all of this at home and at your own pace. And by listening to my videos doing these worksheets I’ve created. And they’re easy, and they’re simple. And you know that that’s what I wanted to create easy, simple, but yet interactive.

So it’s not just you listening to me for half an hour because no one wants to listen to me. I don’t even want to listen to me. Other than that, because my words can become irritating and I’m aware of that. So I’m in on that I wanted to create a shop where the workers and teachers and young people can purchase little cards. The strength-based cards where they can refer to these decks of cards and ask themselves these questions, and put these really positive strengths around the wall and create real visual for those visual learners you were saying before, so I wanted to create this a website that’s purely for for them.

But as well as a way to connect with me, like I’m in some of the programs, I’ll eventually be doing live sessions with our about to hop on board, and we’ll talk about topics that have come up and discuss that and give them those tips and tricks, you know, face to face a bit more. So more than turning into a life coach stuff.

But for now, I just want to create that platform where they can start to access it for a very low cost. So I’m aware that young people don’t make millions of dollars, and I’m not here to create that. I want them to purchase something little because when you purchase something, that means you’re actually wanting to do it. Sometimes when you get all this free stuff, you’ve got so much free stuff on your desktop, you don’t know what to do with it. Would you say? Absolutely. Yeah. Free another free thing?

Anthony Hartcher 36:12
Yeah. Whereas the money is like they’ve got skin in the game. They’re sort of thinking, well, I should get a return on investment or better in our bit to learn and implement. And yeah, so it does drive that motivating factor to take action.

Yeah, it does. And then from there, they get a certificate at the end. So my biggest thing was a certificate of participation, because young people have come to me, and they’ve said, Can you help me with a resume? And I’m like, sweet, yeah, sure.

You’re 15 Let’s work on getting a first, you know, KFC McDonald’s job. And I go, right, so what do we got on it? They’re like, well, nothing. Like I can put my name and address down. I’m like, Okay, well, we need to be more than that. Because then employer picks it up. So by having these little, you know, small little programs, like how to become independent, or creating an independent you is what’s called my first one, they show they’ve done something, and I can help the write what they need to write under it.

And already, because I used to interview people in my coordination role, when I pick it up, visually, I go, Wow, a 17 year olds done, you know, all these skills, and they need these skills in the work they’re going to do for me as an employer. So I wanted that as well, where they feel they get something hard copy of something, that they’ve achieved it, and then we’ll help them with the next steps that will take. So they’re the couple of things that exist at the moment.

Anthony Hartcher 37:36
And what’s the website? Where can they find you?

So it’s So inner spark is spelt quite differently, not how you say it, it’s got a different letter at the end, and it’s all one word. So I double N E R, capital S, P A R and then a Q at the end. So it’s spelt differently creatively.

Anthony Hartcher 38:02
And also a tag that tag your website.

Facebook and Instagram, obviously, the young people are on there as well. So they can just find me in the spark, it’s quick and easy to find on there.

Anthony Hartcher 38:16
Fantastic. It was an absolute delight and pleasure to interview and you know, to discuss your passion and how you’re sharing that with the world and making a difference.

So well done to you Danijela. You’re really inspiring. And I love the work you do. And I love the space that you’re working in, because I can see it’s much needed with the youth today to really help them particularly, you know, given what’s just hitters and it was important before that.

But even more so today is to really give them something to in, you know, to really say that, what is my way in which I can contribute and make a difference in this world? What is the strength that I you know, in the uniqueness that I bring to this world and you help them find that and help them liberate that hand so that the world can benefit so I’m really impressed with what you’ve pulled together and thoroughly recommend viewers and listeners to, you know, visit Danielle’s website and subscribe. You know, I’ve had a look myself and it’s really affordable, great value for money. And well done. Danijela.

Thank you so much for having me and I look forward to hopefully working with you again in the future.

Anthony Hartcher 39:27
Absolutely. Looking forward to it. Take care and have a wonderful day, Danijela, you

too. Bye.

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