
Treating Chronic Pain Naturally: Identifying and Addressing the Root Causes

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Chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide, often impacting their daily lives and overall well-being. This blog post is from the episode of the me&my health up podcast where host Anthony Hartcher interviews Rick Olderman, a sports and orthopaedic physical therapist with over 25 years of experience in dealing with and managing chronic pain.

We’ll explore how understanding the root causes of chronic pain and adopting a systems approach can help those who suffer from chronic pain treat it naturally and effectively. We’ll also discuss the importance of proper posture, movement habits, and stress management in addressing chronic pain.

Listen to the insightful interview by clicking the link below:

Buzzsprout: me&my health up podcast

Watch the full interview in the link provided:

Expert’s advise on Treating Chonic Pain Natually

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is a persistent, long-lasting pain that lasts for more than three months. Unlike acute pain, which is usually associated with a specific injury or illness and resolves as the body heals, chronic pain can linger long after the initial cause has been treated or healed. 

It can be caused by various underlying conditions, including arthritis, nerve damage, or fibromyalgia. Chronic pain can range from mild to severe, and it can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, making it challenging to perform daily activities or maintain a healthy mental state.

Understanding the Root Causes of Chronic Pain

A systems approach to chronic pain involves examining how people use their bodies and the resulting stress on their tissues. This approach goes beyond treating acute issues and specific tissue damage to uncover the underlying causes of chronic pain. One essential aspect of this approach is identifying daily activities and habits that contribute to chronic pain.

The Importance of Posture and Movement Habits

Three main patterns of chronic pain have been identified: extension, flexion, and side bending. It’s not just sitting or standing that causes pain, but rather how we sit, stand, and move throughout the day. For example, locking the knees while standing or walking can contribute to the extension pattern, which is characterised by too much arch in the back.

To alleviate chronic pain, it’s essential to learn proper posture and movement habits. This includes keeping the knees softer when walking and maintaining proper sitting posture with the right ergonomic setup. Supporting the shoulder blades when sitting is also crucial in preventing neck pain and headaches. Ensuring that your arms are well-supported when sitting can significantly reduce chronic neck pain or headaches within a week.

The Role of Fascia in Chronic Pain

Fascia, the connective tissue that holds the body together, plays a significant role in chronic pain. The “superhighways” of fascia run throughout the body, and movement can affect fascial contraction. Techniques such as Rolfing can help break up fascial contraction patterns, but long-term relief requires addressing movement habits as well.

The Neurological Component of Chronic Pain

The neurological component of chronic pain involves reflex patterns, which can be both protective and problematic in the context of pain. A technique has been developed to short-circuit these reflex patterns, which is essential in addressing chronic pain, alongside biomechanics.

The Impact of Stress 

Chronic stress can significantly contribute to chronic pain. The fight, flight, or freeze response causes fascia to lock out and contract. Stress response, fear, and emotional trauma can trigger the release of chemicals that engage areas of the body with receptors for them, exacerbating chronic pain. Managing stress and addressing emotional well-being are crucial components of treating chronic pain naturally.


Addressing the root causes of chronic pain requires a holistic approach that considers posture, movement habits, fascia, neurological components, and stress management. By understanding and addressing these factors, individuals suffering from chronic pain can treat their pain naturally and effectively, improving their overall well-being.

Holistic Health Coaching with me&my wellness

If you’re struggling with chronic pain and looking for a comprehensive solution that takes into account your unique needs and goals, me&my wellness can help. We offer holistic health coaching that is tailored to your specific health and wellness objectives, empowering you to take control of your well-being.

Don’t let chronic pain control your life any longer. Take the first step towards lasting relief and improved well-being. Book a consultation with us today!