I want to be Healthier in 2021!
me&my health up podcast episode #37 – Transcript
Anthony Hartcher 0:00
Welcome to another episode of me&my Health Up, ask your nutritionist. It’s exciting, it’s the 31st of December, New Year’s Eve, and it’s that time of the year when people reflect on the year that means 2020, the year of the pandemic, the global pandemic.
And they’re starting to think, what went well for me this year, so and then the other thought you always have, you know, a New Year’s Eve is the intention for 2021, a new year, new you. It’s exciting to think about the promise of what’s up and coming in the new year.
So in this episode, answers the question that I often get this time of the year from my clients is, I want to be healthier in the following year. I’m thinking about this topic of healthier, and health.
If you think about Health and what is health, it’s a very subjective definition, in a sense, that it’s really what the person, the subject is defining is what’s healthiest to them. So it really gets down to what you want from health in terms of you know how you want to feel, the person you want to be, if you really define that, well, then, you know, I can certainly support the clients in terms of achieving that outcome in terms of how they want to feel where they’re currently at.
Then we work a plan to get them to where they want to be. So in this Ask Nutritionists episode is going to help you think about health, how you should think about health, and the areas you should consider when you’re considering being healthier.
What I like to see it as, is holistic health, the reason why I like to see it this way is because it’s the sum of the parts you know, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts that and so I want you to help to get together. I want to help you get together the right parts so you become that whole person you want to become, that whole, healthier person. And so the sum of the parts that I can see them as these foundation areas, to really good health. These foundation areas are really held together by a mindset that’s mindful.
What do I mean by a mindful mindset? So we know you know, we hear mindfulness all the time, and we often can think of mindfulness is being, you know, something you’re doing when you’re doing yoga, or something you do when you’re meditating. But mindful is, is being present in that moment of time.
So I’m very present giving this podcast, for example, I’m not thinking of anything else, other than what I’m, you know, obviously, think about what I’ve just said, and what I want to say. But I’m very much in the now I’m not thinking about, you know, so I’m only thinking about the task at hand, that’s what I’ve just said, what I want to say next.
And I’m not thinking about where I want to be in terms of okays New Year’s Eve, I’m recording a podcast, I’d rather be down the beach , or I want to be with friends celebrating. I’m not thinking about that. I’m thinking about how do I deliver the best content for you in this podcast. That’s what I mean by mindful being totally present in the tasks that you’re doing.
You could be mindful socializing, and that you are just there, you’re not thinking about, I would rather be here or there, or I’m looking at my social media feeds and seeing that my friends here and doing this, and I’m not there, and I wish I was there and not where I am. That is not being mindful, that is being distracted. And so when I say, you know, the foundation, of good health is a mindful mindset. It’s about pain present in the tasks that you’re doing.
So when you’re doing exercise, for example, I’d much rather refer to it as mute movement, and I will refer to it as movements is that when doing the movement is that you’re doing it with a mindful mindset, you are completely immersed in the task. And you’re not thinking about, Oh, there’s so much pain or what I’m going to do next, you’re actually in the now and really embracing that task.
When I talk about movement, which will be towards the end of this episode, we’re going to be talking about moving your body in the way that you like to move it and that really helps with the ease of being mindful. So there’s the mindful mindset. So mindset element of mind, mindset is the mindset is that it’s a one of healthy desire intent. It’s not one of a limiting mindset where you’re thinking, well, I’ve done everything before and nothing’s worked.Therefore, it doesn’t matter to try and 2021 is not going to work. That’s not the mindset I want you to take in 2021 is an unwritten book or unwritten chapter in your life, and you’re about to write it.
It’s putting out the intention of what you want, and who you want to be by the end of 2021. You start being that person or start becoming that person at the start of 2021. You need to really have that mindset that you can do it that you want to do it, and that you’re not going to be held back by some limiting belief that you haven’t achieved it in the past.
Therefore, this year is no different. This year can be your year, if you make it your year, you set that intention that 2020 is my year, or sorry, 2021 is my year. I probably said 2020. Because I set that intention in 2019, that 2020 would become my year. Regardless of the event that happened in 2020, being the global pandemic, I had an amazing 2020, it’s because I started the year with the intention that it was going, I was going to own that year, I was going to achieve everything I wanted, and more which I did.
COVID actually helped me achieve, go beyond what I wanted to achieve for 2020. And this is why I’m you know, wanting to share this with you now is regardless of what unfolds next year in relation to COVID, or any other unexpected event, if you set the right intention and have that belief that you’re going to achieve what you set out to achieve or at least make progress. And so it doesn’t, you don’t actually have to accomplish everything that you set out to achieve it’s provided you’ve made some progress towards it. And this is what we will touch in, or I’ll touch on.
Probably now,it’s probably a good time to talk about it is it’s about the incremental change. So it’s about starting, you know, starting progress, and then incrementally improving us over time. And so it’s hard to actually work out ahead of time how long it will actually take you sometimes you can overachiever under a tree based on you know, you just putting it out there, you really don’t know, you know, like, you know, I could say, at the start of this I didn’t expect to have any podcasts episodes recorded. And so, recording one podcast episode, it exceeded my expectation, I enjoyed it. So I just kept doing them, and hence why I’m doing them still today. It was something I started in COVID.
I really want you to start thinking about the positive intention and the positive mindset that you’ve going to set about taking into 2021. It’s really leaving behind 2020. And starting a new year, it’s going to be a new use. So let’s start with the right mindset. And that being a mindful mindset. I really want you to start thinking about when you’re mindful and when you’re not.
When you’re listening to this recording, for example, are you thinking about what you’re doing to know ahead of time? Or what you’re looking forward to? Or are you still thinking about that discussion that didn’t go so well, just an hour ago, that’s not being mindful, I want you to bring you back into the present, bring you back, connecting with my voice, hearing my voice and hearing what I’m saying and really connecting with what I’m saying.
Mindful mindset is the key. It really is because it’s the mind that really, it’s our computer that controls everything else around health and well being we need to have that outlook, that we want to identify with the person that we want to be okay, we don’t want to have an identity attached to someone that’s the old self, we want to have you thinking that you can achieve this new identity around the healthy person that you are becoming so Okay, so that’s probably what I wanted to cut the touch on in terms of healthy mindset or mindful mindset.
The other two foundation areas so there’s three so there’s the mind mindful mindset, which is really the foundation of where everything needs to start. You know, setting your intentions 2020, one’s New Year New you and then there’s sleep, okay, so sleep was probably a bit impeded or affected by the events that involve unfolded. And the answer certainty that was brought about with the global pandemic.
With that in mind, we need to address sleep. And sleep is not just focusing on what you do that night, it starts at what you’re doing at the beginning of the day. So at the beginning of the day, it’s so important that you’re getting some sunlight first thing in the morning sunlight, it starts the production of serotonin and we need serotonin in order to produce melatonin at night time.
Get some natural rays first thing in the morning. It’s great if you can get out and you know, watch the sunrise because the sun watching the sunrise really takes you into the present, you’re totally absorbed in the environment that you’re in, you’re looking at these beautiful changes in the skyline. Because of the sun’s rising, it’s quiet, there’s no one else around to distract you, you’re not missing out on anything, because there’s nothing happening, everyone else is sleeping, and you’re enjoying this amazing sunset.
So maybe next year, you start getting up a little earlier, just to start enjoying the benefits of being up early without distraction. Without that FOMO feeling the fear of missing out because someone else is doing something, they’re missing out because they’re not out with you. And maybe you want to choose to do this with a friend. And so that you’re embracing that element of connectedness, which I’m going to get to in when I’m going to talk about relationships but so sleep get some sunlight, what’s the sunrise get out there new you, get up early embrace that morning period.
First thing in the morning is when you have your agenda, what you want to do, and it’s not railroad or controlled by someone else. You know, when you clock on at work, you’re pretty much under someone else’s control. But before you clock on, you’re in your own control, you can choose that move your body. And so movements a great thing to do first thing in the morning, because you’re not going to be distracted, distracted or something else is going to pop in, it’s going to railroad your day into their agenda.
What you do is you own that point in time, that moment in time, that morning is yours, and you do with what you want to do with it. And if you want to become a healthier version, you incorporate some movement into the morning. And so you’re ticking a couple of boxes, you’ve got your morning sunlight to help you with sleep at night, you’re getting some movement also helps with sleep.
So you’re getting movement moving your body, you’re burning some calories, you’re helping lymphatic drainage. So they’re getting out the waste products in our moving the body helps with the lymphatic drainage of your body, it helps with your digestive system, it helps your gut health, there are so many benefits to movement, it helps with your mindful mindset helps, is so many benefits.
Anyway, we’re not even touching on the moon, we’re covering sleep. So you know, if you get up and you’re moving your body in the sunshine, you’re owning that part of your day, therefore, you know, you’ve made two great decisions for your health, and therefore it’s a lot easier to then compound it with a third. And that could be having a healthy breakfast and not could be having it we’ll be having a healthy breakfast.
What’s a healthy breakfast? It’s really eating whole foods, which I’m going to get on to the health and nutrition side of things. Not just now, but I’ll hold back on that. But anyway, let’s hold them hold that mind or that thought around a healthy breakfast. After you know you’re compounding. So you’re, you’re getting up early, you’re seeing the sunrise or getting some early morning sunlight, starting to produce serotonin, which is the feel-good mood enhancer. And then you move your body and following that breakfast and it’s going to be healthy.
We’re going to talk about what a healthy breakfast is, because you’ve owned that day, you’ve really set yourself up to be in a really productive, resourceful state to really benefit the day in terms of being productive, you’ll feel better because you’re productive. You’ll then make a better decision at lunchtime in terms of what you eat because you’ve owned the morning, it’s all yours you’ve, you’ve hit this hit the ground running with some healthy habits and behaviour’s.
You’ve now continued that momentum on to work, you’ve got some wins early wins and I suggest you know to get those early wins at work. You tackle the hard things first.
I think Stephen Covey says to Eat That Frog, so eat the frog, and that’s doing the hardest task first thing in the morning. And so you’ve tackled that you’ve least made some inroads in terms of progressing that task and we have this human desire once we start something we want to create continue and to finish it. So once you’ve made that start on that hard task, you’ll do a bit more work on it.
And by the end of the day, you would have made some great progress. And so you feel great about yourself going into the evening. And so you know, you’ve made a more resourceful decision that let that lunch because you’re compounding the healthy things you’ve done that morning, plus, you’re feeling great about the productivity gain you’ve had that morning, you have a great rewarding lunch. And then you’ve got the energy to continue into the afternoon, into the evening, where because you’ve had such a great day, you won’t need to wash away all that negative emotion and drown your sorrows in alcohol, so you won’t be having alcohol before bed.
So I do not suggest you drink alcohol to help you sleep. Because yes, a little bit will help you get to sleep, it’ll help you calm down. But if you go beyond that tipping point, it impedes your sleep, it will wake you up in the night, as you know, and you won’t be able to get back to sleep. It’s only good for calming you a bit. So if you can stop at one drink, then that’s great.
If you can’t, then don’t do it, don’t do it at all, adopt more resourceful behaviours in the evening. So it could be taking your loved one or a partner or going for or playing with your children, just doing something that really breaks up the workday and home time.
So they call this the third space. So Dr. Adam Fraser developed this concept around the third space that’s really helping best manage your transitions so that you can be in the most resourceful space going into that new transition. You’re leaving work, you want to transition, that’s your third space, that transition is the playtime with your kids.
Or it could be your exercise again if you’re really keen or you go for a walk with your partner, or you just catch up with a mate and have a single drink a single drink stop there one. So and then that puts you in you know, you’re then let go of the day. And now you’re going to a new, a new you can be the father or the best partner, you’re going into the next stage, which is home time.
So home time is the time to connect to get grounded again and to set you up for the next day. So some things you can do in the evening to really help set you up for success. As I mentioned, don’t drink too much alcohol. Don’t drink any at all, it’s really beneficial not to have a healthy meal, have a healthy conversation, disconnect from electronic devices, disconnect from blue lights, disconnect from white lights, just have those warm, relaxing lights, the reading lamps, and this do things that really nourish you and help your self-care.
It could be you know, reading a book that you like it can be having some conversation with your partner about some joyful things, leave the difficult conversations for the morning. And then you also you know, you want to be doing things like having a bath, you know, doing some stretching, doing things that telling the body to relax.
Water relaxes the body, stretching relaxes the body. You know, if you’re diffusing some essential oils are some great ones such as lavender and these concoctions that really help with car calming the nervous system, doing a meditation, I haven’t mentioned meditation, or doing a mindfulness activity such as my breathing, engaging in breathing. But anyway, hit that there are some long tips, the long-winded session on sleep.
Let’s get to the third foundation. So so far, we’ve covered a mindful mindset. We’ll then discuss sleep and some good habits you can adopt there. And the third one is relationships. So you’re probably a bit surprised to hear relationships ahead of nutrition. But there was a study conducted by Harvard. And this Harvard study, which is the longest study that’s ever been conducted, was conducted initially started with men, but now it’s gone through generations and women in an hour included in the study, which is great.
But what it really showed and highlighted was that the most important aspect of someone’s feeling of happiness, you know, at the end of life was based on the strength of their relationships early on in life. And so the more the stronger those relationships were, the better they were in terms of longevity, happiness. And so the reason why this needs to be where it is, is we need to have that support around us. We are social creatures, social beings.
We need to have that community of fielding that was supported and loved. Without that, you know, when we have that feeling of loneliness and isolation is when our health deteriorates, it’s so important to remain connected and particularly in these times these hard times, is that we are connecting and connecting deeply with those that are closest to us.
And it’s all about deep connections, it’s not about lots of different, you know, social circles where you got these surface relationships, it’s all about these deep connections where you can share those deep feelings, those feelings of hardship, those feelings, that deep down that you want to get out and surface, they’re the people, you know, those people that you can share those feelings with the people that you want to further embrace that relationship further develop that connection. And the way in which we really deepen connection is by being open by giving.
So being open about ourselves being vulnerable, we connect deeper, helping the other person, we connect deeper. And if we can keep doing that being more open, more vulnerable, and keep giving and relationships are a two-way process. So that needs to be coming back to you. Otherwise, that relationship, if you know, if it’s a one-way street, it’s not going to nourish you.
You need to be getting that back as well that you know, it’s a two-way process, and you need to find and nurture these relationships that are two way that is open, that’s where you both express vulnerability, you both help one another, they’re the relationships you want to nurture. If you haven’t got one, then, you know, really looking for groups and associations where you share a common interest.
If you like golf, then join a Golf Association or a recreational golf group where they regularly go and play golf, you know, they’re generally people that you have something in common, you’ll probably find other aspects of your lives in common. So that’s where you can start finding these relationships.
That’s probably what I want to mention on relationships other than you know, if you’ve got time, check out the Harvard study on happiness. There are some great TED talks, I think, if you just, you know, go into TED or Google, Harvard study on happiness, you’ll find it’s, you know, well searched, and it comes up high in the rankings. And, you know, that they studied the, you know, blood tests of the subjects, participants, you know, they studied their relationships, they looked at all aspects of their life, they interviewed them, they interviewed their loved ones. And the best correlation and the strongest correlation to longevity and happiness was through the depth of the relationships.
That’s the important point here is nurturing those relationships, making them deeper and stronger, and continuing to connect with that person. And you need to be, you know, for a relationship to flourish, you need to be, you know, need to be constantly depositing, depositing love depositing X, you know, positive gestures of kindness and giving.
And so it’s all about that nurturing and constantly making those deposits that really make that relationship flourish. I, if you stop doing that, and you just start taking from that relationship, that’s where you’ll get overdrawn, and you’ll end up bankrupting that relationship, if I use that sort of financial terminology.
Keep depositing in the relationship, keep investing time into it, make it a priority, because I have it as the foundation, you know. So as I mentioned, the foundations, mindful mindset, sleep, and relationships. If you have them really well under control, investing a lot of time in these three areas, then it’s a lot easier to make healthier eating decisions.
And then if you make those healthier eating decisions, because you know, you’re sleeping, you’ve got this great mindset around health, and you have great relationships, you’re not, you’re not emotionally eating, because you’re in this great frame of mind, you’re feeling good, and so you can make more rational decisions as opposed to those irrational impulsive decisions that are driven through our emotions that aren’t being met.
For the relationships around you, fulfilling you, and you’re getting a good night’s sleep. And you have this positive outlook, this abundance mentality, this mentality of growth and you know, giving back and then I can guarantee that you’ll be able to make the healthiest eating decisions.
I don’t need to elaborate too much on what you need to or everyone understands what I’m doing. You know, I’m all you know, in terms of creating those healthier eating choices. People know that. It’s, you know, it’s not McDonald’s, and it’s, you know, that fresh salad. It’s You know, it’s choosing whole foods over processed foods it’s eating. Anyway, let me get to the principles that I have around nutrition rather than sort of starting it in an ad hoc sort of way.
So my principles for nutrition are based on this slow concept, okay, so slow being s s, s, for the start of slow, it’s an acronym, right? So, S being seasonal eating seasonal, l eating local. So it’s very, you know, if you’re getting seasonal produce, then you’ll probably need to be buying from the local farmer’s markets. So you know, and the reason why this is because the food is added to abundance in terms of vitality, in terms of its nutritional properties, local and seasonal. Oh, is eating organic, where possible is eating whole foods and a wide variety, Whole Foods wide variety.
What I mean by this, it’s not processed foods, it’s foods in their natural form and a wide variety. So you’re not Mano typing, you know, I like apples, I’m just eating apples, that’s the only fruit I eat, you’re eating a wide variety of fruit, that that is whole. And then if you think back to that acronym is slow, then if you can combine that slow, and that’s being mindful when you eat.
That’s another key principle of mine is mindfulness. Right? So mindful eating. So it’s actually being in the presence of eating that food, it’s not doing another task and eating at the same time, that’s mindless eating, that’s when you’ll end up binge eating, you’re not connecting with your excuse me, I had to said to draw a breath, you know, get some breathing, I’ve been talking a lot and not breathing, not taking enough air in but so yes, so mindful eating is about being present at the task, you know, I mentioned before it’s being present whilst eating, not distracted.
It’s engaging in the food that you’re eating, if you engage in that food, you’ll enjoy it more and eat less of it, which is key, we want to enjoy it more. And we don’t want this feeling of over fullness or eating too much. And then that self-sabotage and the negative thoughts that then cascade from that initial binge eating, so yeah, so it’s slow. It’s, it’s adopting that slow acronym, being mindful when you’re eating, you can connect with others. So you can be having a nice conversation with others and enjoying the food with someone else that’s still in that presence of us connecting with that other person via the food and having some supportive conversation.
That’s a great way to do it. I want to get on to the other aspect of this healthy foundation. So we’ve now covered the sleep, the mindful mindset, the relationships, the basics of nutrition, the public the only other thing you know, when I mentioned wide variety, what’s wide variety, I suggest you go for a variety of colours. So it’s that coloured stir fry, it’s the you know, colours of fruit. So if you have a mango that’s yellow, for example, then the next fruit you want to have that day should be a red fruit or a green fruit, or a purple fruit.
So it’s Yeah, mixing up the colours. It’s the same with your vegetables. When you put together an assortment of vegetables. Aim for the colours of the rainbow aims for as much colour as possible. In that colour, you’re obviously getting variety, and you’re also getting different phytochemicals and this photo Photochem, Phyto photo chemicals are really important to our overall health and well being if they possess anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant properties, and they really, in that sense, anti-aging, and they certainly anti-cancer. And they’re all for vitality. So yeah, so adopter. So principle, go for colours.
When I talk wide variety, eat slowly and mindfully. And yeah, shop so that the food is seasonal, local, and you’re eating more whole foods. And then if you want to be adopting that at The Senate the time and then you know, have that 20% of where you have some flexibility to enjoy something with someone else. So it might not be a whole food or might be a processed dessert, for example. But it’s more the minority of what you’re doing and not the majority. So 80%, you want to be adopting that slope principle that I mentioned, and 20%, you know, having a bit of deviation, a bit of fun, the spice of life. So that’s nutrition.
The other key aspect of a healthy foundation is movement. And its movement, it’s not seeing it as exercise and is something I have to do and should be doing. But I don’t want to do it because I don’t like it. Because we often have this pre-defined understanding of what exercise is, and it’s got to be high heart rate and high intensity, it’s what I want you to think of is movement, just moving the body so it can just be walking, it can be dancing, it can be frolicking in the sea, you know, catching waves, it can be doing the thing, playing with children is moving the body in our providers, not on the Nintendo or Gamestation, or computer games, here actually playing outdoor soccer or some activity, some sporting thing, it’s just getting that body moving.
The more you embrace the movement, the more you’ll do avert. And you will just see it as part of you because you love it so much and you don’t want to do without it. And so good for that mental health side of things, because you look forward to it, it nourishes you, it also helps with your sleep, it also helps you eat better, it helps it gut health, that helps detoxification pathways. So just move the body in the way you want to move it.
The only additional ads, you know, suggest to add to that is that you look for a variety of movements. So you don’t want to be doing the same movement all the time, you want to mix it up a bit. To find a variety of movements that resonate with you whether it be going through for a bushwalk with a friend, joining a dance class Zumba, for example, doing a bit of yoga or bit of Tai Qi, and then maybe every now and then you go for a bit of higher intensity, lift the heart rate run session, but doesn’t have to be for long, you know, it doesn’t have to be the majority of the movement you do.
You know, stick to that 8020 rule, as I said, like for nutrition 80% of the movement that you like, and then 20% Just to get a bit of variety, maybe just lift the heart rate a bit and get some sweating. But, you know, it’s certainly I just want to encourage you to do some form of movement. And so start with the movement that you like that you enjoy.
If you apply all these foundations, let me go through the foundations again. So it’s the mindful mindset, it’s the slave, it’s the relationships, it’s the nutrition, and it’s the movement, you have work, if you’re working in all those areas doing a bit now all those areas, then stress is managed, you know, you are more resilience, you have better balance in your bodily functions, you can make better decisions because you are producing a good balance of neurotransmitters, you are balancing your emotions, you’re not irrational, you’re more rational, you’ve got this mindful mindset, you’re more present.
You know, you have more engaging conversations, you strengthen relationships as a result of feeling better about your relationships, and you can move your body more, and moving your body helps with better eating decisions. So all these areas that I’ve mentioned, feed into one another. And so if you’re doing a bit in each area, it will help with every other area. And then you’ll get this holistic health under control, your stress will be more under control. And you’ll be better able to cope with stressful events that come into your life because you have this strong foundation.
So what I suggest is to start a small thing in each of those areas, and get that embedded and you know, apply it so that becomes a habit, once it becomes a habit, you can apply a new activity in that area that I mentioned. So if you want more help in terms of how to do this and how to do it incrementally with my guidance and support of me, I’m launching a holistic online health coaching program at the end of January, and that that program contains all these elements that I’ve mentioned in this podcast today, these six elements so there’s a webinar associated with each one was will we go into a lot of detail about each of the subjects, I’ve covered all the subjects within this 40 minute podcast.
I’ll go into a lot more depth about each of the subjects and then combine with coaching sessions, which then help tailor that content to you and your goals, so you end up walking away with a holistic wellness program, especially for you. That is sustainable. You know, I mentioned this word sustainable, because I hate this yoyoing in and out of health, I want you to just keep building on these good practices that you build as a foundation and keep adding to them, and you just become healthier and healthier. And there’s no endless to how healthy you want to become, that just becomes part of you. Because it bajada to your identity. So join me on this program, I would love to help you.
Enrol Now, the first 10 participants that sign up, get a 50% discount on the program. So that’s a huge saving. So be one of the one of these 10 that get this 50% discount, I’ll include the link to the 50% discount in the show notes. If you miss out, then you can buy it at full price. It’s still very, very worthwhile at full price. So enjoy the program. Well, I hope you enjoyed the podcast, or you’ll certainly enjoy the program if you sign up. But you know, glad you tuned in.
There’ll be a lot more episodes this year. One of my goals this year for my podcasting is to make it better for you to get better at presenting the information, get better at asking the questions to the experts so that you get the answers that you want to enter that much that are helpful for you. And so that you get further results.
So I’m going to continue with this podcast of asking your nutritionist. It’s going to continue throughout the year. So if you have any specific questions you’d like to ask me on nutritional lifestyle medicine, please send me a email to Anthony at me and my wellness.com.au.
I’ll include my email address in the show notes along with that link to the 50% discount for the online program. And then you know, you can go into that link. And you also get more information about the program from that link. But yes, us as your nutritionist is a podcast series that is purely about answering the questions that are on my mind of my listeners in relation to nutrition and lifestyle medicine.
Feel free to shoot me an email, I’ll answer it in a forthcoming podcast and address your question. It’ll be addressed anonymously, unless you want me to include your name, certainly, let me know if you do but I’ll uh, we’ll address it anonymously. And also, there’ll be more interviews with fantastic health experts in 2021.
And this podcast is only going to improve so keep engaging with keep giving me feedback, I want to improve it, I want to take it to the best it can be. That’s what I inspire to do constant and never ending improvement.
That’s me for now. I hope you enjoyed this podcast on holistic health and how to set yourself up for success in 21. I’d love to have you on my program in the new year. So please click on the link to find out more if it’s for you. Then sign up and hopefully, you’re one of those 10 participants that gets a 50% discount. If not, you’ll still get full value for money and it’s a money back guarantee.
If you don’t get what you’re after, you know, if you’re not happy with the content, the program, or whatever, provided you’ve done everything within the program. You’ve actually seen it through to the end, you’ve attended every coaching session. You’ve listened to every webinar, you’ve applied the activities, you’ve done the workbook. If you’re still unhappy, I’m happy to give you money back in full so it’s 100% money back guarantee.
That’s it for me. All the best for the US starting your 2021 enjoy the celebrations ending this year for 2020. Enjoy a drink for me as I said it’s part of your 20% hand so have a drink for me. Keep it to moderation. Enjoy your celebrations and I look forward to having you listen to more exciting episodes and me and my health up in the new year. All the best take care and a happy new year.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai