The Attitude of Gratitude with Stephanie Puente
me&my health up podcast episode #69 – Transcript
Anthony Hartcher 0:00
Would you like to be happier full of positive emotions? Increase your self-esteem, improve your friendships, more romance. If you said yes to any of these, this podcast on the attitude of gratitude is for you.
I’m your host Anthony Hartcher, the clinical nutritionist, and lifestyle medicine specialist. The purpose of this podcast is to enhance and enlighten your well-being.
Today we’ll be chatting with Stephanie, you enter on the attitude of gratitude. Stephanie Puente is a transformational coach, professional speaker, and the president of core factor transformative coaching.
Since 2014, Stephanie has helped business owners and professionals hone in on their authentic life path and empower them to create and live a life they love living, having earned multiple certifications from the brave thinking Institute BTi. She has more than 25 years of study in personal development backed by a professional career that includes two decades in marketing and communications, business administration, and event planning for the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City. Chris Christine’s at the Greater states, the real estate division of Christie’s Auction House in Santa Fe, an international law firm in Washington DC, and an award-winning children’s music school in Austin, Texas.
She is a graduate of the University of Texas and continues to invest in advanced training and education through BTi. Stephanie has been happily married for more than 20 years to her husband, Sebastian, and his two daughters, Sophia and Paloma. Gotta correct me, Stephanie, I’ve got that wrong. Correct.
So welcome, Stephanie. How are you today?
Stephanie Puente 2:04
Well, thank you so much I’m doing so well and I want to first start out expressing gratitude for this opportunity to get to be here today, this opportunity to connect with you and with all your listeners.
So thank you so much for having me and I’m doing well. How are you?
Anthony Hartcher 2:22
Fantastic and I think this topic is very pertinent to where we are with the pandemic, certainly here in Australia, with we’re now experiencing a bit of a secondary lockdown and there’s a lot of, I guess, frustration being expressed by the citizens of Australia, or certainly of Sydney, the rest of Australia is pretty, okay and, you know, for me, it’s a real-time to reflect on, you know, gratitude, and you know, to be grateful for what we have.
So I’m thankful that we have an expert in yourself to take us through gratitude and what it is and how it can help us in our daily lives, but before I get on to asking you that, I’d like to find out you know a bit more about your story about how you’ve arrived at what you’re doing today.
Stephanie Puente 3:08
Well, thank you, I have always been passionate about personal growth and personal development is even at a young age, I was curious about how do I grow? How do I transform? How do I move past limiting beliefs I’ve always my personality has always been one of helping others and encouraging others and reading and sharing information with others around hate how they could apply, you know, inspiration to their lives and early in my career.
My, first phase of supporting people was through event planning, helping people to create events, meaningful experiences that were important to them and that took me to New York City, which was a dream of mine, then out to Santa Fe, New Mexico, we my husband and I moved to Washington DC, doing events and then coming back to Austin, Texas in 2000 and working for an event planning group here in Austin, planning technology events.
Then after my first daughter was born, I wanted to take some time off and spend time with her at home, but when she started her education at two and a half, I wanted to continue to do something but be able to work from home and I was going to an early childhood music program, a parent-child music class and the owner of that program was just getting our business started.
I offered to help her get the word out about the program and 10 years later, I was continuing to do that work it was wonderful to work but through that process. I also knew that I wanted to do more I wanted to make a greater impact and focus on using my unique gifts and talents to support people in even more impactful ways and began the process and became familiar with the brain thinking Institute at the time.
That was the Life Mastery institute that was in 2014 and started working with the life success principles, some of which we’ll be talking about today, and discover that there was an opportunity to get trained and certified and teaching these life success universal principles that most of us are familiar with, but we may not all be practicing with, and started coaching and have been doing that ever since 2014.
Anthony Hartcher 5:33
Yeah, I was gonna ask you, the acronym I read out in the bio was BTi, which you’ve just explained, but the BTI is the Brave Thinking Institute. So thanks for explaining that, because I was certainly not clear. So that’s good.
Yeah, so let’s, let’s get on to these success principles. I’m keen and particularly, we’re focused on gratitude. Today, we’re going to have some subsequent podcasts where we talk about some other success principles, but yeah, so on the topic of gratitude, what it is, and how can we practice it?
Stephanie Puente 6:08
Well, first, I think it’s important to have an awareness of how it is that we create results because how we think has everything to do with the actions that we take, and where we end up in life, and so really, understanding how our thoughts impact our results, and so, as we consider the concept of gratitude, you know, thinking about understanding that everything first starts inside of us that our results first start with our thoughts, and as we’re thinking thoughts, our thoughts have an energy to them.
There’s, there’s, there’s, you know, research has shown that our thoughts you can measure them, they show up in our body when we’re thinking, you know, fearful thoughts, our heart can start racing fast, when we’re thinking about something that we’re looking forward to, we can feel a sense of expansion, and when we’re thinking about our to-do list, what can go wrong, what’s missing, we can feel a sense of constriction.
So our thoughts affect our physiology, it shows up as our feelings and we take very different actions, our feelings then get transmitted into the actions that we take and we take very different actions when we’re feeling empowered when we’re feeling inspired. When we’re feeling grateful, we feel expanded, and those and those emotions, those feelings, versus when we’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, afraid, doubtful, we feel constricted, and it is our actions that create our results.
So when we think about cause and effect, the first cause of our results starts with our thinking, our thinking that generates our feelings, feelings, generate our actions, actions, generate our results and when we’re thinking about, you know, most of us have been trained to look outside of ourselves to think that what’s happening outside of us is the cause of our results and we often feel like until our facts and our conditions change, that has an impact on who we’re going to be what we can do and how we’re going to experience life, but the true way to change our results is by changing ourselves from the inside out, changing our thinking, and understanding where do our thoughts come from, and our thoughts come from what it is that we’re giving our attention to.
Whatever we’re getting our attention to, we’re giving our energy to and as we focus on, you know, fear and doubt and worry, more thoughts and more thoughts just come to us, but when we focus on gratitude when we can put our attention on gratitude, as we stay tuned to that channel, I like to think about the idea that we’re like remote control and we can change our channel and as we put our attention on gratitude, we begin to become aware, we think more thoughts, more things to be grateful of, we feel expanded as we focus on that.
Ideas that are in alignment with expansion begin to come to us and as we take actions coming from that empowering place that helps to make welcome empowered, results. So we want to be mindful of what we’re giving our attention to, even though facts and conditions maybe what they are. We don’t have to deny facts and conditions but we don’t have to let the facts and conditions of our lives get inside of us and dial us down and cause us to feel that we can’t be done or have or experience something, right at this moment that we’re in and it starts with how we’re thinking and who we’re being in this moment.
Gratitude is a way a great way to generate within ourselves an empowered stance that can help us make welcome ideas and opportunities and solutions that we would otherwise miss. If our if we’re tuned to and getting our attention to what’s wrong. What’s missing. You know why I can’t do it. I I want to do we limit ourselves.
Anthony Hartcher 10:03
Yeah, it’s a really good point that you’ve brought up there in terms of tuning into that gratitude channel, because often in this world of wanting more and aspiring for more and thinking, success is external to us, we, you know, we, we think we’re that we don’t have what we would, you know, we’re always aspiring for more, and not being grateful for what we have.
Whereas if you dial down that channel to that gratitude, we’re more focused on what we have an appreciation for what we have, and less about, I don’t have that, therefore, you know, life’s not great until I get that won’t be happy. Whereas, you know, if you’re very much, you know, dial down to what you have, and be appreciative of all those things, you can be very content and happy with what you already have.
Stephanie Puente 10:50
Yes, yes and I’d love to share, there’s essential, another reason why gratitude matters are that as we’re focused on it, as we’re giving our attention to what we do have, it’s a feeling that causes us to feel expansive, that it’s in alignment with feeling more prosperous, more abundant, as we focus on the good that we do have now, and that there’s essentially three different stages of gratitude that we can move in and out of.
The first gratitude that many of us have, you know, been used to operating from is the idea of gratitude, when, you know, when I get that promotion, or when, you know, we paid off the mortgage, or when I lose the weight, or when I finished my degree, then I’ll be able, and so it’s always away from us, you know, as you were sharing, it’s always something that’s outside of us, and right at the moment, we feel constricted, it’s, we it’s like, and we can’t get to that feeling of abundance, we’ve got to come from it.
So gratitude can help us feel expanded, as we shift from that gratitude when the next stage is gratitude for where we realize, you know, I’m grateful for my home, I’m grateful for my car, I’m grateful for my health. I’m grateful for my, you know, a loving family, and as we begin to focus and put our attention on that, and not just think about it, oftentimes, we can just think it in our mind, but we want to feel a shift in our energy, if you will, as we tuned to that feeling of, I’m so grateful that our family, you know, is doing well at this time, and even though circumstances and conditions are what they are, let me cause myself to look for the good, and that this is, this can be a mastery skill, you know, because oftentimes, we’re used to letting the facts and the conditions dictate how we’re going to feel.
So there’s the idea of gratitude for, but even then, sometimes, if something occurs, where something does happen with our health, or there is a change, and our job situation or something does happen with a family member, then it can feel like the gratitude is now away from me.
So the third and even deeper stage of gratitude is this idea of gratitude in, that I can choose, you know, with my perception, which is one of my higher faculties, I can cause myself that no matter what’s going on in my life, that I’m going to live in a state of gratitude, and it’s not to say that I prefer what’s going on with the health condition, or I prefer what may be going on with the economic status, you know, of our family, or even the job that I’m in, but no matter what situation I find myself therein, I can be grateful.
You know, there’s a wonderful quote that Emerson says, he says, Stand guard at the portal of your mind, because that is the one thing that we have control over, we can’t control facts and conditions, but we do have a choice about what we’re going to give our attention to, and who we’re going to be in this moment, and gratitude in can be a great navigation point, to help us face whatever facts and conditions from a more empowered place.
That as we focus on the good, and as we cause ourselves, sometimes at the level of fact, it can look awful and it takes time to work with our perception to look for the seeds of good, but that this can, this can be a great growth opportunity to see that even in the presence of this challenge that I don’t prefer, that this doesn’t have to be a stumbling block causing me to feel dialed down that this can be a stepping stone, and that there is an opportunity for growth here if I’m willing to look for it.
There’s a wonderful quote by a man by the name of Napoleon Hill, who was a gentleman who invested 20 years of his life in the early 1900s Studying successful people spending, you know, 20 years looking at all different kinds of people that had achieved extraordinary success, financial success, but lots of other kinds of success and one of the key traits that these individuals had coming from all backgrounds and childhoods and upbringings and certain economic statuses and education, they could see that within every situation, every adversity, every heartache, every failure, every factoring condition that at the level of fact was was, you know, painful, that there was a seed of good of an equal or greater opportunity, and as we work on finding the good and looking for the good that, that it can help us discover that more-ness that is within each one of us.
So as we can make that daily decision, sometimes it’s a moment-to-moment decision of choosing to be grateful in and focus on and give your attention to what’s working, how might this be causing me to grow? How might this be helping me to discover some capacities within myself that I would have otherwise never discovered, and as I, as we practice, and it is a practice, giving our attention to that, that begins to make welcome solutions and ideas, and an awareness that helps to also expand our awareness of the abundance and ideas and support that is here that we would otherwise miss, if we allowed ourselves to let the facts and the conditions cause us to feel constricted.
Because each one of us I invite us to consider has this capacity for greatness and inside each one of us, and the way that we can tap into it, is by working with that attitude of gratitude, no matter what situation that we’re in, and it can feel hard at first, but as we stay with it, and we say I’m gonna turn up the dial of my curiosity, about how this circumstance how this might be helping me to grow, and to just begin to discover the opportunities that that this is helping you, you know, to see it as a stepping stone carrying you forward into a whole new level of, of capability that you weren’t aware of before.
So gratitude in isis is our goal, you know, as we move forward from here to practice, you know, learning how to live in.
Anthony Hartcher 17:31
Yeah, so you’ve touched on the term practice many times, and as you alluded to, you know, it is a practice and so, really keen to take this great advice and help the listeners as to how they can bring this practice into their lives, because I’m thinking, Well, you know, certainly in the context of Sydneysiders, at the moment, they’re very focused on had that holiday planned, it’s never been taken away from me, I was looking forward to that holiday, and you know, so there’s a lot of energy going towards missing out on that on that holiday, or, I had this big milestone celebration coming up.
Now, I can’t celebrate with my friends and family. So how can like, because it’s sort of a bit similar to the, you know, the, I guess the meditation practice is the people have, you know if they’ve come from this racing minds is really busy mind and then having to get into a practice of meditation, that stepping stone can be daunting, and I’m thinking this, you know, turning into gratitude may be a challenge for some people that haven’t gotten done it or it hasn’t been a part of their lives?
So have you got some tips as to how people can dial down and get into this channel of the attitude of gratitude?
Stephanie Puente 18:46
Yes, well, the first important thing the fundamental thing is, is to begin to notice what you’re noticing, most of us, you know, and there’s, you know, one of the things I share a lot in the work that I do is this recognition that we’re that we don’t get a choice about creating our day, or week or month, our life, we are constantly creating, even if we you know, decided to just sit on the couch all day and watch Netflix, you know, and eat chips, like that’s what we create, but we do have a choice about the kind of day the kind of week that we want to create, and we’re creating one of two ways.
We’re either creating by design, where we have an idea in mind for the day that we want to have you know, who we want to be as a mom, or the kind of relationship, the kind of spouse that we want to be or how we want to show up in the presence of these conditions right now that aren’t to our preference, but we do have a choice about who we’re going to be in the process and as I think about at the end of this, and there will be an end.
You know, who do I want? Who do I have wanted to be in this process? And as I so as I think about I will, I can create this experience by my, by my design. Otherwise, I’m creating by default, which means I just default to the patterning that I’ve been used to the same old thinking, you know, the same patterns of thought telling the same stories, you know, and describing it in a way that is causing us causing you to feel dial down and so I encourage you to begin to notice what you’re noticing, what are you saying?
What are you paying attention to and as soon as you become aware of Wait a minute, I’m giving my attention to you know, I’m really telling a story that’s causing me to feel anxious and constricted and sad and, and so I noticed what I’m noticing and that’s the first thing.
Begin to notice what you’re noticing and as you notice yourself, perhaps feeling overwhelmed, feeling stressed out, feeling sad, feeling disappointed, just taking a few deep breaths, and moving from we can be in that fight, flight survival mode, especially in times of stress and uncertainty, like we’re in now and just by taking a few deep breaths, we can, you know, as you know, you know, breathe ourselves into the present moment, move into that rest, digest and create.
So we can move out of that condition driven reaction to the facts that conditions, the trip, you know, having to be at home all these things, and move right to the present moment, taking a few deep breaths in through our nose, blowing out slowly, like you’re blowing out through a straw and this can help immediately begin to generate within yourself a sense of peace, a sense of calm, where you can now be in an empowered mindset, or you can move into a vision-driven response, and if you have a vision, and I want to encourage you to think about, you know, when this is over.
Who will I’ve been in the process? Who will I have loved to be? How would I? How will I have loved to show up? In my business and with my family.
As I’m perhaps homeschooling my kids, or maybe the trip is post phoned, but, you know, in what other ways what I love to connect with my family and celebrate this is an opportunity to get creative, that you can still have, and find creative ways to get, you know, connected, and even in this time of social distancing.
You can connect into that vision and then you can ask yourself, Who do I want to be in this moment? What’s the quality of being? And what can I be grateful for at this moment? And how can I? How would gratitude if I was being grateful in this moment, you know, how would I love to respond, you know, to this particular moment, and just that, you know, having spent some time putting clarity and specificity to what you would love, how you would you know, how you want to show up for your business, for your family, ways that you can stay connected, and then that can be a navigation point, and then gratitude can help begin to stay open to all of how you are showing up and practicing that.
You know, how you, you know, calmly responded to your kids, you know, when maybe, you know, you’ve been homeschooling all day, or you know that the opportunity that you did have to get out and take a walk, you know, and be out in the fresh air and begin to think about those things can help begin to put gratitude to practice, and then a couple of other suggestions to help begin to incorporate this in is my encouragement is before you get out of bed at the moment, and your eyes first open up and before your feet, get on the floor, take a moment to think about some things that you are grateful for, and the recognition that today is a brand new day.
I woke up today, you know, life has me here today. You know, one of my mentors always says Not everybody woke up today, but I’m here, and today really, truly is a brand new beginning, and just by saying that a few times where we’re not just thinking of but we can feel expanded and that idea and that it just takes a couple of minutes before you get out of bed and the same thing when you get into bed at night before you start to drift off to sleep.
My encouragement is to think about your day, and all of the things that occurred, that you want to celebrate and acknowledge the good and feel grateful for and that’s important too because as you go off to sleep, you are impressing your subconscious mind with good thoughts.
Your subconscious mind is going to work to begin to make welcome more things that are in alignment with the good that you are focused on with your conscious mind, and then to take it even deeper, you can challenge yourself and it could be A 48-hour experiment, or it could be a week-long experiment, or you could even do a 30-day experiment where you have a practice where you do some journaling, and you start in the morning, and you list out five things that you’re grateful for and then at night, before you go to bed, read through those five things and add one thing to the list, and then when you wake up in the morning, read through those six things and add one thing to the list.
It’s a challenging exercise number one because it’s so easy for us to just read through that read through, read through, I’m grateful for my house, great for my health, but it’s another thing to allow yourself to feel expanded in it, and again, this is important, because when we feel expansive, that helps to make welcome more things to be aware of more flow, if you will, using what we’re giving our attention to.
Then, and it challenges you to find more things to be grateful for as well because we probably have our 10 Things that are known, but then we really have to look for those things, and so we challenge ourselves, and why all these matters are because it trains our muscles, to work with our faculty, our higher faculty of perception, to give our attention to what is life-giving, doesn’t mean we have to like it or prefer it, and we don’t deny that it you know, that at the level of fact, there are some things that we that, you know, we’re not happy with, but it doesn’t have to get inside of us and cause us to feel like we have to suffer in the process until that condition changes that we can come from a way of being that isn’t dependent upon the facts and the conditions.
Anthony Hartcher 26:47
Yeah, I love those tips do that, you know waking up in the morning and reflecting on you know, what you have been grateful for and then coming up with an extra one because it tunes you into that channel of gratitude as you go throughout your day, you’re going to be thinking, I’ve got to find that extra one for tomorrow’s you got your beacon on high alert and looking out and you would notice those subtleties, likes someone just making a nice coffee for your that nice gesture of just acknowledgment in the street and those small things that you know, if you’re in that busy that fight, you know, looking for more and chasing more, you miss those subtleties of beauty within the world.
I think you know, if you’re tuned into your channel, then you start recognizing them. And as you said, once you tuned in, you start seeing a whole lot more and a lot more abundance and, and a lot more to appreciate and be grateful for so they’re great tips. I like them. Thank you.
Stephanie Puente 27:46
Yes, yes, and, and why it matters to is is is that you know that it’s like a rewiring from the inside out and that in that as you endeavor and I like to use the word endeavor, you know, I endeavor to practice, I endeavor to be someone who is living in gratitude, so, so that it’s coming from a way of being that we can generate within ourselves, versus it being something outside of me in a way for me. If it’s always outside of me in a way for me, and I’m getting that feeling of never enough, I can never have more because the only moment to have more is right now in the present moment.
We create that mortise for ourselves by turning to what is good now what can I be appreciative for now, and as we really reflect on it, and even just as you were mentioning, you know, somebody’s making a nice coffee or that nice gesture that occurs, you know when you’re out doing grocery shopping, or whatever, and you just feel expanded and the thought of that.
You don’t have to wait for anything to change. You can feel expanded, you know, moment after moment. So I encourage you to experiment with this and the reason I invite you to experiment with it is you, it can help us to kind of the part of us that might be arguing and saying well, I don’t see how this is going to work, or I’ve tried it before and it didn’t help, you know, to say, Well, I’m just going to experiment and let him and let the process prove itself to me.
You know, and I can always go back to my familiar way of thinking about things but why not, you know, try this one, and practice with it and see how it serves and supports me to create what it is that I want to create.
Anthony Hartcher 29:38
Absolutely, and I think you know if we could reflect or be still in this pandemic, but you know, reflecting on how we first responded to the pandemic, of how much good has come out of it in terms of that, you know, unity and working together like seeing all these drug companies all work together to come up with a vaccine, seeing or you know, the government We’ll come up with creative ways to support people through this, you know, without jobs or without the economy functioning well, and, you know, seeing families, how they’re supported and friends supported one another, you know, there’s been so much that we’ve taken for granted that, you know, we need to something like this to bring us together to rally for a greater good, you know, in terms of achieving a common outcome.
And that was to get through the pandemic together, and, you know, there’s been a lot of that happening and I’ve certainly witnessed that happen around me. So yet, I think it’s, it’s really good to reflect on these sorts of situations as to what have we learned from it? Or, you know, how can we, how can we grow from this? You know, situation if it ever happened again?
Stephanie Puente 30:51
Yes, yes and I also encourage you to keep an inventory of all the ways that you already recognize how it’s been causing you to grow, and celebrate all of how you have discovered, you know, that you can be somebody who homeschools your kid, you can be somebody who can stay connected through and get online and still, you know, connect with family, you can be someone that, you know, has some really meaningful connections with your family that you otherwise might not have because you’re, we’re always usually out and super busy.
So, all of doing that inventory of all of the good and growth that you already had had, as well, as well as how it’s helping you to grow with the future, can also help you to feel expanded in those moments when you find yourself feeling, you know, that sense of uncertainty and overwhelm.
Anthony Hartcher 31:49
And, this podcast was born out of COVID. So it’s, we probably wouldn’t be chatting today if it wasn’t for what’s happened. So it’s, it’s really made me step out of my comfort zone and, you know, do what I love doing and that’s helping empower people with health and well being and, you know, speaking to experts like yourself, so and it’s through these sort of mediums that weren’t commonly used, like video conferencing and all these platforms that, you know, got better as a result of needing to get better because of, you know, having to isolate and having to rely on more technology to help us connect in other ways.
Stephanie Puente 32:33
Yes, yes, it was an opportunity that helped you step out of your comfort zone and helped, you know, pull you into your next level of becoming and discovering that you, you know, you can do this, and you can empower others as well and so I celebrate that recognition and keep up the great work with celebration because gratitude and celebration go hand in hand that and that helps us to have even more things to celebrate as we focus on what we can celebrate now.
Anthony Hartcher 33:05
So thanks so much, Stephanie, how can the listeners best connect with you if they’d like more support in their journey to dial into the attitude of gratitude or just more support in success in life? How can I best reach out to you?
Stephanie Puente 33:21
Well, thank you. The best way to connect with me is online through my website,, and when you do go to the website, there’s an opportunity, I have a couple of ebooks that I can share with listeners who would like one is on the power of purpose, and through that gratitude is an important key and helping us tune in to what our purposes as we feel expanded through gratitude.
It helps us to be aware of more life-giving calls that we have, if you will so, I have an ebook on the power of purpose that I can share. I also have another ebook on transforming your life with empowering statements. So those are things I can send to listeners, and there’s also an opportunity there on the website to sign up for my mailing list.
To be apprised of events, I do a lot of online events that people can attend, and for someone who is wanting to invest time and getting clear on where they are now that changes that they would like to make as well as the results that they would love to create and what those next steps are.
There’s a calendar there to sign up for a complimentary discovery session to put clarity and specificity to those next-level results that you would like to call in. So you can schedule that online as well and that is a complimentary session that we can do virtually to support you in your growth. So the website is this way.
Anthony Hartcher 34:46
Yeah, and I’ll include all those links that you mentioned in the show notes so that the listeners and viewers can go directly to those links and find you and connect with you.
So if you got any concluding thoughts or comments you’d like to share with listeners?
Stephanie Puente 35:02
Yes, well, again, I want to celebrate every one of you for being here, being on this podcast listening to all of the different wonderful podcasts that Anthony creates investing in yourself and your awareness.
So I want to celebrate that I feel grateful for having had this opportunity to be here, and to know that it doesn’t matter. Up until now, if there’s been a history of, you’ve tried working with gratitude, you know, you’ve tried working with, you know, mindfulness, and if there’s been an experience, none of that has any bearing on what’s possible for you moving forward from here and working with that statement up until now, you know, up until now, this is how it’s been.
But now I am a person who is getting better and better at living in a state and a mindset of gratitude and as you practice with that empowered statement, that will begin to make welcome more thoughts on what can I be grateful for and so know that today is a brand new moment and that each moment is a brand new, fresh start, and if if you know the day went by, and you found yourself spending the bulk of your time in anxiousness or fear that right now is a brand new moment, and that you can start fresh again and again. So it’s a practice process.
Anthony Hartcher 36:22
Yeah, practice makes perfect. Yeah. So you know, get in there and start small and build on it, and something that I’ve been constantly working on and still working on today, but you know, it just brings so much more abundance into your life and joy and happiness.
So, listeners, I thoroughly recommend you take Stephanie’s advice on board and put it into your practice regularly, and if you need support, certainly reach out to Stephanie.
So yeah, thanks, listeners for tuning in. I appreciate it, and thank you, Stephanie, for sharing your wisdom, your knowledge, your expertise in this subject, and I look forward to our coming up with further episodes on success principles with you, Stephanie, and the listeners. If you liked the episode, please like and share it.
Even leave a review so that more people can listen to this great information that Stephanie has shared with us today and stay tuned for more insightful episodes of Me & My Health Up.
Transcribed by